Passing parameters to Report

21 May '15, 06:28 PM
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I've a page (Page1) with a form where users can decide date limit (from-to) to obtain a PDF containing a list of record filtered by date.  

Page1 passes date limits to Page2, created according to Report stylesheet, containing a multidata component that filters results with two conditional (attributes) expression, but I've hato to pass date limits to jrxml in order to fill a Text field into the page title (i.e. "Record list from 10/05/2015 to 15/05/2015", but I don't know how to do this.

Can someone please help me.


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Hi Massimo,

to obtain this result you can refer to the "Reports with Multi Message Units" section of this article:

In fact you can show a custom text with the Multi Message component. Moreover you can prepare and combine static and dynamic texts with the String Functions component available in the AddOns Store.

In this way you can create your custom text and pass it to the Multi Message component.

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Hi Alberto,

these are the steps that I have applied:

  • added a MultiMessage "Title" populated with a Script Component (personally I prefer it) on the report page
  • synchronized and created the new jrxml
  • with iReports removed the new subreport from Details band and placed it in the page title band with some formatting
  • recompiled jrxml and report page and you're done

Thank you for your precious help.


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